15 Point not to do when creating A+ content.

By Eric
September 28, 2022

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What Not To Do When Creating A+ Content?

  1. Do not use symbols or special characters such as ™ or ®.
  2. Be sure to check module requirements such as resolution and image size.
  3. Do not provide any contact information about the company.
  4. Do not designate your company as a distributor or seller.
  5. Do not mention any shipping information.
  6. Do not use third-party citations (example: references, reviews, etc.).
  7. Do not include any low quality images.
  8. Never use the same product photo twice.
  9. Do not link to any other website.
  10. Do not violate Amazon policies or category requirements.
  11. Do not mention warranties or warranties.
  12. Do not use questionable statements or opinions (example: “The best” or “The best”).
  13. Avoid using excessive capitalization or bolding.
  14. Don’t use buzzwords like cutting-edge, green, or eco-friendly.
  15. Do not submit content with grammatical or spelling errors. Always proofread before submitting content.

Note: Amazon rejects a product listing that violates its guidelines.

Undeniably, creating A+ content for your product listings is one of the ideal ways to grab more customer attention and increase sales. It is indeed the perfect way to stand out from your competitors and convert more buyers. All it takes is the right knowledge and skills.


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